School Facilities
Consulting Services
K-12 Construction Consulting
From funding to DSA Certification Closeout, JLS can organize, plan and manage any K-12 School Construction project. Services include assisting in testing labs acquisition, DSA Inspector Services, Labor Compliance consulting and all other aspects of K-12 Construction.
Labor Compliance Program Consulting and DSA Guidance
Labor Compliance is crucial in California. There are many hurdles to overcome to ensure compliance to Districts’ own PLA’s and DIR requirements.
FCMAT & ACLU Consulting
On occasion school districts may need oversight from the State, JLS specializes in this kind of fiscal crisis management.
Bond Program Management
Bond Program Management from procuring bond funds through local elections to budgeting to planning and design through construction and final completion.
Top Notch Experience in K-12 Construction
From acquiring funding to Board approvals, Site Committee feedback, preliminary design, DSA approval and construction management, value engineering and Certification of Completion from DSA, JLS Facilities Consulting has done it all!
Forty Years of Education Facilities Expertise
It all begins with an idea. Or a need. And California’s 939 K-12 School Districts certainly have a pressing need to bring their facilities into the 21st Century.
In order to repair or build new school buildings, Districts must apply for matching funds from the State and pass local school bonds to fund their projects.
Every 25 years, school buildings are eligible from the State to receive matching funds. JLS Facilities Consulting is equipped to help Districts apply for matching funds, to assist in rolling out a Bond Measure for an upcoming election and keen on other ways to generate capital building monies.
Services include:
Construction Program Development
Project Management
DSA Inspection Services
Labor Compliance Services
Testing Labs
In-Plant Inspections
Materials Testing Inspections
Value Engineering Services
Bond Measure Election Consultant
Bond Program Management
Property Management
FCMAT & ACLU Consulting
Facilities Master Planning
James "Larry" Scott
Keith Holtslander
Project Manager